Gästebuch 2000

Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 18:01:50
Subject: ARKTOS Teddy Bears UK gold web award


Tanya our Web designer (webmaster) with over 14 years graphic design experience, has voted your site top of the teddy bear ratings, the site is informative and easy to navigate. Basically she loved it.
Of course you do not have to accept the award, but if you do, thank you from Tanya our Webmaster and Teddy Bears UK.
I have attached the award to the e-mail, if you would like to use it, please feel free to do so, please could you attach it to this is a genuine award and only 20 gold and 20 silver will be awarded each year.
Please can you notify us if you place the award on your page, and post the URL to us via e-mail so that we can honour you on our site.

Thank you once again for a beautifully created web site
Roger Hall (joint web site owner and administrator)

Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:12:26

Liebe Familie Curly!

Jetzt surf ich schon wochenlang, nur über eure seiten bin ich noch net gestolpert...*grummel*...

Es war mir ein BÄRENvergnügen, mich auf Euren Seiten durchzulesen und ich bin hellaufbegeistert....

Verbleibe mit (natürlich)-steirisch-bärigen grüßen

sabine (haberle)

Subject: Planet Teddy Bear
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:14:13 - the hottest site for arctophiles has just been updated. Take a look at the host of cuddly pin ups that have been added to our bear gallery and read our in-depth interview with leading Austrian artist Renate Hanisch who has some fascinating tips for budding designers.
Catch up on the latest news from around the world including a report from Holland's teddy bear scene from our new Dutch correspondent Anna Koetse. If you're looking for a special hugster for your collection or a gift for a friend, why not have a go at our simple pattern from Berubears, or visit our shop where you will find Jupiter our exclusive Chubby Cubs design?

Don't forget to check out our bulletin board where you chat to and share your views with fellow arctophiles from all corners of the globe. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Teddy Bear Club International

ARKTOS - das e-zine für den Arktophilen

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